Dear Alki Families: 


Professional Learning Communities Update:

Dec. 1st is the beginning of our second trimester grading period.  At this point we are asking students to evaluate their  academic performance over the first trimester and reflect on their successes while also determining the areas they may want to improve on next trimester.

As a staff we do the same thing we ask our students to do.  We spend time evaluating our data and looking at ways we can help ALL students succeed.  We also look at what we are doing well.  Great test scores are only one of the ways we measure success.  Engagement in the classroom and effort on assignments is how we achieve those great scores.

As you know, the district has incorporated 16 one hour early release days into our calendar again this year to allow teachers to continue to work together in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to improve student learning.

VPS has supported PLCs for a number of years.  Research shows significant learning gains may be achieved if time is provided for educators to work together to discuss lesson planning, assessment of students, and interventions or enrichment of lessons when appropriate.

At Alki we have taken that to heart and provide PLC time for teachers once a week on Wednesday mornings at least three times each month. The development of Professional Learning Communities is a goal area in the district’s strategic plan.  Educators participating in Professional Learning Communities routinely focus on four essential questions:

  • What do we expect students to learn

This includes planning lessons and units around the Common Core State Standards

  • How will we know when they have learned it?

This is the assessment piece

  • How will we respond when they don’t learn?

What interventions can we provide to help students who struggle with content

  • How will we respond when they already know it?

What extensions can we provide for students who need to be challenged

As always, thank you to our staff and students for the hard work they put in each day to help us create the best learning environment possible at Alki.

Darci Fronk
