Programs of Choice

Apr 2024

Several secondary choice program applications reopen | Russian

2024-04-26T11:13:13-07:00April 23rd, 2024|Homepage lead story, Programs of Choice, Secondary schools (6-12)|

Didn’t get a chance to apply for a secondary choice program? We still have space available for several secondary choice programs and applications reopen on April 22.

Feb 2024

Applications for Middle and High School Programs of Choice are open through Feb. 23 | Español | Русский |

2024-05-13T12:21:27-07:00February 5th, 2024|2024-25 school year, Español, Homepage lead story, Programs of Choice, Secondary schools (6-12), Русский|

VPS middle and high school students can participate in Choice Programs and Schools that allow them to pursue their unique interests. From the arts and STEM to welding, medicine, cooking and blended learning, there's something for everyone. Applications are open through February 23, 2024, at 4 p.m.

Jan 2024

Applications for Middle and High School Programs of Choice are open Jan. 3 | Español | Русский |

2024-01-03T12:49:46-08:00January 3rd, 2024|2024-25 school year, Español, Homepage lead story, Programs of Choice, Secondary schools (6-12), Русский|

VPS middle and high school students can participate in Choice Programs and Schools that allow them to pursue their unique interests. From the arts and STEM to welding, medicine, cooking and blended learning, there's something for everyone. Find out how to apply.

Mar 2023

Several secondary choice program applications reopen | Español

2023-03-20T15:42:29-07:00March 20th, 2023|Homepage lead story, Programs of Choice, Secondary schools (6-12)|

Didn’t get a chance to apply for a secondary choice program? We still have space available for several secondary choice programs and applications reopen on March 20 at 4 p.m.

Jan 2023

VPS en Español Especial – Programas de Elección

2023-01-05T09:43:27-08:00January 5th, 2023|2022-23 school year, Programs of Choice, Secondary schools (6-12), VPS en Español|

En esta edición especial de VPS en Español, escuche a los estudiantes y al personal sobre los programas magnet disponibles para los estudiantes.

Mar 2022

VPS now: 3/29/22 | Español | Русский | Fóósun Chuuk

2022-03-25T15:23:02-07:00March 29th, 2022|Elementary schools, Programs of Choice, Secondary schools (6-12)|

News to know: Still time to apply for specialty programs, important dates to know, absences due to religious holidays and more.

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