
About aliiskenderian

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So far aliiskenderian has created 250 blog entries.
Aug 2022

Safety measures for district-issued technology | Español | Русский | Fóósun Chuuk

2022-09-07T12:26:16-07:00August 26th, 2022|School news, technology|

Safety and security is a top priority in Vancouver Public Schools. An important part of keeping our students safe involves an ability to identify concerning language or inappropriate use of technology by students on their school-issued laptops and iPads, email and the internet.

Aug 2022

Inscripción Escolar | Lugar Запись детей в школу | Rechister ren Sukkun | School Registration Intake Center

2022-08-09T08:50:33-07:00August 9th, 2022|Elementary schools, Secondary schools (6-12)|

Para todos los estudiantes que sean de nuevo ingreso en el Distrito Escolar de Vancouver que hablan idioma diferente al inglés. Все новые ученики начальных, средних и старших школ Ванкуверского школьного района, для которых английский язык не является родным. Meinisin minafén chóón sukkun ngeni ach kei Vancouver Public Schools nón (elementary, middle, me high school) iir mei káeó ngeni fóósun Merika. All students new to VPS who speak a language other than English at home.

Aug 2022

Environmental monitoring in 2022-23 school year | Español | Русский | Fóósun Chuuk

2022-08-04T13:12:31-07:00August 4th, 2022|School news|

We’re dedicated to ongoing environmental monitoring and management through regular testing, inspections and applications.

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