VPS en Español – Episodio 10
En este episodio, podrá ver a nuestros estudiantes graduados, conocerá a la autora Reyna Grande y escuchará a Sandra Zavala-Ortega, miembro de la junta directiva de nuestro distrito.
En este episodio, podrá ver a nuestros estudiantes graduados, conocerá a la autora Reyna Grande y escuchará a Sandra Zavala-Ortega, miembro de la junta directiva de nuestro distrito.
Sharing gratitude as we end the 2021-22 school year, congratulating the class of 2022 and planning for the future.
Have you ever wanted to help set the direction for Vancouver Public Schools? We want to hear your input!
News to know: Boundary exceptions are due June 10, June 16 is the last day of school, COVID-19 testing changes and more.
Thank you to our students, families and staff for your collaboration and contributions to a successful school year!
From the videos submitted by 83 Clark County students, works by seven VPS students were selected for prizes and recognition.
Optional COVID-19 testing for students and staff members will end in mid-June.
News to know: Boundary exceptions due June 10, family survey closes May 27, openings still available in dual language programs, summer meals for students and families.
Providing safe and supportive schools for our students is so important.
En este episodio, vea algunas actividades divertidas en las escuelas, conozca a la coordinadora de FCRC, Julie Mercado, ¡y más!