Safe and supportive

May 2022

School safety and statement on the tragic event in Texas | Español | Русский | Fóósun Chuuk

2022-05-26T08:56:06-07:00May 24th, 2022|2021-22 school year, Homepage lead story, Safe and supportive, Safety updates|

Providing safe and supportive schools for our students is so important.

Sep 2017

A message from the superintendent

2017-09-11T09:26:30-07:00September 7th, 2017|Safe and supportive, Supt news|

Dear families, guardians and students: At Vancouver Public Schools, we work hard everyday to ensure that our schools are inviting, respectful and safe learning environments for each student. We want all children and their families to know they are valued members of our culturally rich and diverse learning community. In light of recent action [...]

Oct 2016

Shifting bus culture

2024-05-22T14:34:08-07:00October 13th, 2016|Elementary schools, Safe and supportive, Secondary schools (6-12), Staff|

Every time he pulls up to a school, bus driver John Ringold says the same thing to his young passengers: “I’m proud of you and I care about you. Please be safe, respectful, responsible and cooperative. Thank you and have a wonderful day. You’re awesome.”

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